News! July 31, 2015

Hi everybody! We have some updates for you. Firstly, we (Daniel and Maribel) will be attending Long Beach Comic Con on September 12th and 13th! We will have a table set up in the Artist Alley. We will have prints of some of our illustrations for sale as well as some cool swag to give away. We would love the chance to meet some of you in person! If you want to get tickets for the con head over to their website. It's a fun convention and a great chance to interact with some of your favorite artists and writers (like us).

Secondly, we've started work on a new comic! This one stars one of our favorite characters, Iris Beaumont! Here's the first story she was in. This will be our second full comic and we're excited to get to show it to you! While you wait patiently, here's a mock-up of what the final cover will look like:

If you find yourselves at the con, pick up our preview booklet with the final version of the cover. We've been hard at work preparing for the con and working on the comic but we'll try to get back to regularly scheduled stories as soon as we can. Thanks for your continued support! We hope to see you at the convention!

Quest for Story is written by Daniel Weinell and illustrated by Maribel Navarro.